Organize Your Life: 11 Tips to Get Organized & Make Life Easier

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Organize Your Life: 11 Tips to Get Organized & Make Life Easier

2023-04-13 17:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Organize Your Life: 11 tips to get organized & make life easier

Today’s post is all about how to organize your life. You’ll find 11 simple tips to help you get organized and make life easier overall. If you’re ready to feel more organized, on top of things and calm in your life, today’s post is for you!

11 Tips to organize your life Organize Your Life: 11 tips to get organized & make life easierPhoto by Dane Deaner on Unsplash 1. Declutter your home

One of the quickest ways to organize your life and feel more organized overall is by removing the clutter from your home.

Getting rid of the clutter and distractions means you’ll have less to manage and take care of. Making it easier to get and stay organized. As well as making life run more smoothly and feel easier overall.

Decluttering is a process that usually takes some time. But don’t put off starting decluttering any longer. Start today! Pick one drawer, one shelf, one pile, etc. and tackle it.

Get rid of what you don’t use regularly or love. And notice how less “stuff” to manage makes your home look, feel and function better almost immediately!

Check out this post for some great tips to help you start decluttering.

2. Declutter your schedule

The next decluttering project to tackle to help you organize your life is clearing the clutter from your schedule.

Focus on keeping the most important things in your schedule and working to remove the less important commitments and tasks.

It’s not always easy to declutter your schedule. But by clearing the clutter that’s taking up your time, you can give yourself more time and energy for what’s most important to you. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to some things so you can ensure you have time and energy for the things that matter most to you.

This post provides a great framework to use when working to declutter and simplify your schedule.

3. Plan ahead

Another effective way to organize your life is by planning ahead. Make it easier to know what’s coming up so tasks, commitments and obligations aren’t forgotten about or don’t sneak up on you. Which is a sure way to feel frazzled, stressed and overwhelmed!

Find a calendar and planning system that works best for you. Whether it’s a pen and paper planner or a digital planner. The key is figuring out what works best for you, then using it!

Once a week sit down and plan the week ahead. Note what’s coming up and what you need to do this week. Make sure you plan accordingly so you have enough time for what you need and want to do. Including work, chores, fun activities, etc.

It’s always better to overestimate how much time tasks will take rather than underestimate. Which can leave you feeling rushed, not able to keep up or overwhelmed.

Write things down

Another great benefit of using a planner is you can use it to write important tasks, reminders, things to do, etc. down in a centralized place so you’re less likely to forget them.

Writing things down also means you no longer have to carry them around in your head trying to remember and keep track of them. Helping reduce mental clutter and your mental load.

Set goals and make a plan to meet them

Planners are also great tools for goal setting. Instead of just wishing you could do or achieve something, set goals for yourself!

The key to setting effective goals is making sure they are SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable (challenging but possible), Realistic and time-bound (has a deadline attached to it). And a planner is a great place to keep track of your SMART goals!

Set a SMART goal. Then break it down into the specific action steps you’ll need to take each day or week to meet the goal by your deadline. Then add those action steps to your planner so you can add them into your days and weeks and help ensure they get done.

4. Use a prioritized to-do list

After planning your week as a whole, the next step to organize your life is getting more specific and planning your days.

Daily to-do lists are a great way to get organized and stay on track during the day. But there are ways to make your to-do list an even more effective tool. One of which is by prioritizing the tasks to make sure the most important things get done first each day.

Start by listing your top 3 most important tasks you want to get done each day. Then focus on doing those things first, to make sure the most important tasks are getting done.

This is a great way to stop your to-do list from becoming a never-ending list of tasks that all seem equally important. And really identifying what things are priorities and need your attention most. It can also help you avoid staying busy on less important tasks. But not getting the most important, pressing or top-priority tasks done.

Read more about how to use a prioritized to-do list here. And remember that your top 3 tasks don’t always have to be work. Spending quality time with someone you love or taking time for rest or self-care can also fill your top 3 too!

5. Make time for rest & what you love

As you’re planning your days and weeks, make sure you’re planning for balance too. Your schedule shouldn’t be all work and no fun!

Instead, make sure you’re making time for rest, downtime and time for doing things you love and are important to you.

If you don’t plan for and schedule these things, it’s easy to fill your time and schedule up with tasks, work and to-dos. Instead, if you want to feel organized and satisfied in your life, make sure you’re including rest and time for the things, people and activities you love in your schedule.

6. Have a place for everything & everything in its place

I talk about this tip often because it is such an easy and important way to feel more organized.

When items in your home don’t have a specific place to keep them, they often end up floating around the floors and surfaces in your home causing mess, clutter and stress.

An easy way to feel more organized is to make sure everything you own has a specific place to keep it. Then get in the habit of putting things away in their place when you’re done using them.

It seems simple, but it will dramatically cut down on clutter and mess in your home. And make your home easier to manage, keep up with and keep tidy.

7. Build strong habits, routines & rhythms

Another great way to feel more organized and on top of things is by building strong habits, routines and rhythms to take care of the basics in your home and life.

These habits, routines and rhythms mean you can get the basic tasks done with little to no extra decision-making power required. They almost happen automatically because they are built into the flow of your day.

For example, build strong habits and routines to keep up with the basics like the dishes, the laundry, meal planning, paying bills, etc.

Rather than wasting time figuring out when and how you’ll get these basic tasks done, they’ll already be built into your daily and weekly routines and rhythms. You’ll be able to get them done automatically with no extra planning required.

8. Do what you can now, to make life easier later

Another simple way to organize your life is by doing what you can now to make life easier later.

If there are little tasks you can do ahead of time to make life easier later, try to do them.

For example, take a few minutes to set out your clothes the night before. And it will make it faster and easier to get ready in the morning.

If you can make your lunch for the next day while you’re cleaning up supper the night before, you’ll not only have the next meal ready. But you’ll also be able to clean up once instead of twice!

Another great example is doubling what you’re cooking. Make one meal to eat now and one to put in the fridge or freezer to have ready for later.

You’re already cooking, so making twice as much doesn’t take much extra time or effort. And you’re already cleaning up, so it doesn’t add any extra dishes or clean-up time. But it makes life easier later when you’ll have an extra meal already prepared!

9. Avoid little acts of procrastination

Another simple, but effective way to organize your life and feel more organized is by avoiding little acts of procrastination.

If something takes less than a minute, do it right then rather than putting it off for later. Each little task on its own doesn’t seem like much. But when you put off a bunch of little tasks, they add up. And can eventually start feeling like a lot of work or even overwhelming.

Instead, remind yourself that your future self will thank you when you take care of these little tasks right away, so they don’t pile up later.

Rather than putting something down to put away later, put it away now. If you see a quick task that needs to be done, do it now instead of saving it for later. These small actions add up to help you stay on top of things and feel more organized overall.

10. Work with your natural tendencies

As much as you’re able to, try working with your natural tendencies rather than against them. Not only does this make life easier. But it also means you’ll be more likely to stick with things when they fit your natural habits, patterns and tendencies.

For example, if you’re a morning person, plan to do your most important tasks first thing when you’re at your best. But if you’re not a morning person, maybe plan your schedule in a way that gives you time to wake up and get going before tackling your most important tasks.

This especially applies when it comes to organizing your stuff.

If you tend to like stuff hidden and out of sight, don’t try using open storage and shelving to stay organized because it will drive you crazy. But if you need to see things to remember where they are and use them, open storage might be a better system for you.

Another example is how you organize your stuff. If you like things organized in very specific categories and can maintain that, build your organizing system in that way.

But if you like broad categories and will never keep up with a detailed organizing system, don’t set yourself up for failure by trying to force yourself to stick with one. Work with your natural tendencies and use broad categories for organizing instead.

11. Stay flexible

With that said, don’t be afraid to stay flexible and stay open to trying new things. It’s ok to experiment and try new things as a trial run. Knowing if it doesn’t work out in the long run, you can try something new.

It’s easy to get rigid in the stories you tell yourself about who you are. Maybe you’ve spent your whole life saying “I’m not a morning person” to the point where you’d never consider trying to get up earlier or trying something different.

Staying flexible and giving yourself permission to experiment and try new things is a great way to challenge the limiting beliefs you might hold about yourself. If trying something new doesn’t work out, that’s ok. It’s about being open to trying new things.

Organize your life with these simple tips and tricks

I hope these tips and tricks will give you some new ideas for ways to organize your life and make life feel easier overall.

I’d love to know, which of these tips and tricks are you going to start trying? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Organize Your Life: 11 tips to get organized & make life easierPhoto by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash




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